Telegram Scam Alert!
There are different types of scams on Telegram, so it is difficult to pinpoint one specific "new Telegram task scam." However, here is one example of a common scam: In this scam, scammers create fake Telegram groups that promise to pay users for completing simple tasks, such as joining the group, liking and sharing posts, and inviting friends to join. These groups may appear to be legitimate, with a large number of members and active discussions. To participate in the task, users are required to provide their Telegram username and invite code, as well as other personal information such as their email address or phone number. Once users provide this information, scammers can use it to carry out other scams or sell it to third-party marketers. Additionally, scammers may require users to pay a small fee or deposit before they can participate in the task. Once the fee is paid, users may never receive the promised payment or rewards. To avoid falling victim to this type of scam, i...